The growing popularity of 5G systems around the world, the rapid progress of society, and people's consumption levels have increased along with society's development, and the sales of new energy electric vehicles have continued to grow. Individual brands have now released 1000 kilometers of ultra-long range and can provide faster acceleration and innovative driving experiences such as technological cockpits and car-machine interconnections, but the complexity of electrification has also made the product design itself more complex. So how to choose a quality switch application solution provider? KKG is currently one of the world's premium switch suppliers, providing quality products and services to global well-known brand companies and manufacturing plants. kkg sealed and waterproof microswitch solutions are widely used in automotive applications such as branded automotive tailgates, automotive door locks, automotive gear shifters, automotive center locks, and charging guns.
Rixing Industrial Zone,Tangxia Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
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